May in Motion: A Biker’s Delight

By: Adam Wheeler

May is a time of flowers blooming, sprinkler turn-ons, locals cleaning up properties with yard work and the planting of new life. Of course for some May also brings allergies from the new bloom; but generally, and in a more positive light than the itchy eyes – May is the start of some really nice weather and a final kick in the pants to lingering and sporadic winter weather.

Some in the community also look forward to May for the opportunity to once again get involved with alternative modes of transportation – specifically for me, biking to work. As someone who has participated in May in Motion (MiM) for years now and as someone who would whole-heartedly classify himself as a fair weather biker, MiM has always been a wonderful time for me to kick the rust off those biking muscles and re-institute the bike-to-work tradition. I mean come-on, the added incentive of some friendly competition and potential prizes has absolutely nothing to do with it either… I’m certain I don’t stand alone in appreciating a community wide event that promotes alternative transportation to and from the workplace, whilst having perks and bennies.

ACHD Commuteride runs the annual May in Motion event in the Treasure Valley and for the past 3 years Hawkins Companies has participated and been a 3-peat platinum award winner. In order to earn this highest and most prestigious award a company not only has to garner a high level of company involvement but must also offer various amenities and incentives to their staff. As a silver level member with the League of American Bicyclists, Hawkins luckily already has the amenities covered. Well, in early May, a high percentage of Hawkins employees dug out the spring time riding gloves (those early May mornings can be brisk!), walking shoes, carpool partners, and “alternative route thinking caps”, while HCo leaders schemed ways to incentivize the program.

Hawkins Companies has also been running a health challenge of our own for the past 5 years called the Everest Challenge and MiM pairs perfectly with this internal event. Mostly everyone gets involved in the Everest Challenge as participation is a great way to reach health goals but MiM is just a whole new added aspect to up the ante for those harboring a competitive nature. It’s also a great way to help reduce road ware, minimize emissions and traffic congestion AND be healthier – all while saving money along the way.

Having gone to the concluding MiM luncheon a few times now, it’s wonderful to see May in Motion continuing to grow and advance, every year bringing more awareness to local businesses and employees regarding the benefits of taking alternative transportation. I for one look forward to it every year and will definitely be looking forward to the potential Hawkins Companies 4-peat next May.

To find out more about May in Motion, check out their website at

